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Human Resource Appraisal and Development PDF

Human Resource Appraisal and Development PDF

Human Resource Appraisal and Development play a significant role in the growth and success of any organization. These functions are responsible for evaluating employee performance, identifying skill gaps, and providing training and development opportunities to improve employee skills and overall productivity.

The purpose of this post is to provide an introduction to Human Resource Appraisal and Development, specifically in the form of a downloadable PDF document. This document will cover the basics of HR appraisal and development, including its importance, key concepts, and processes.

about HRAP PDF

It will also provide an overview of the various HR appraisal and development models, as well as the challenges and opportunities facing HR professionals in these areas. Whether you are a student studying HR, a business owner looking to improve your HR practices, or simply interested in learning more about this vital field, this PDF will provide a comprehensive introduction to Human Resource Appraisal and Development.

The Content

  • Introduction:
  • Human Resource Appraisal
  • Job Criteria and Information-Types:
  • Relevance of Criteria:
  • Potential Criteria Problems:
  • Performance Standards:
  • Uses of Performance Appraisal:
  • Administrative Uses:
  • Development Uses:
  • Performance Appraisal Methods and Evaluation
  • Category Rating Methods
  • Graphic Rating Scale
  • Checklist
  • Comparative Methods
  • Ranking
  • Forced Distribution
  • Narrative Methods
  • Critical Incident
  • Essay
  • Field Review
  • Behavioural / Objectives Methods
  • Behavioural Rating Approaches
  • Constructing Behavioural Scales
  • Management by Objectives
  • Key MBO Ideas
  • The MBO Process
  • MBO Critique
  • Combination of Methods
  • Human Resource Training:
  • Definition
  • Training Responsibilities
  • Types of Training
  • External Training
  • Learning Principles: The Psychology of Learning
  • Intention to Learn
  • Whole Learning
  • Reinforcement
  • Behaviour Modification
  • Immediate Confirmation
  • Learning Practice and Patterns
  • Behaviour Modelling
  • Active Practice
  • Spaced Vs Mass Practice
  • Learning Curves
  • Transfer of Training
  • Needs and Benefits of Training
  • Systems Approach to Training
  • Assessment Phase
  • Implementation Phase
  • Evaluation Phase
  • Training Needs Assessment
  • Organizational Analyses
  • Task Analyses
  • Individual Analyses
  • Establishing Training Objectives and Priorities
  • Training Approaches
  • On-the-Job Training (OJT)
  • Job Instruction Training (JIT)
  • Problems with OJT
  • Simulation
  • Cooperative Training
  • Internships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Classroom and Conference Training
  • Selecting Training Approaches
  • Evaluation of Training
  • Benchmarking Training
  • Levels of Evaluation
  • Reaction
  • Learning
  • Behaviour
  • Results
  • Case Study: Walt Disney World
  • Review Questions:

Nu Of Pages

40 Pages

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