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Human Resource Planning and Procurement (HRP) PDF

Human Resource Planning and Procurement (HRP) PDF

Human Resource Planning and Procurement are critical functions within any organization, responsible for ensuring that the right people with the right skills are in the right place at the right time.

The purpose of this post is to provide an introduction to Human Resource Planning and Procurement, specifically in the form of a downloadable PDF document. This document will cover the basics of HR planning and procurement, including its importance, key concepts, and processes.

about HRP PDF

It will also provide an overview of the various HR planning and procurement models, as well as the challenges and opportunities facing HR professionals in these areas. Whether you are a student studying HR, a business owner looking to improve your HR practices, or simply interested in learning more about this vital field, this PDF will provide a comprehensive introduction to Human Resource Planning and Procurement.

The Content

  • Introduction:
  • Objectives of HRP:
  • Benefits of HRP:
  • Need for HRP
  • Technological Changes:
  • Organizational Changes:
  • Demographic Changes:
  • Skill Shortages:
  • Governmental Influences:
  • Legislative Controls:
  • Impact of Pressure Groups:
  • Systems Concept:
  • Lead Time:
  • Levels of HRP
  • HR Planning Process
  • Developing the HR Plan
  • Evaluating HR Planning
  • Environmental Scanning and its effect on HRP
  • Government Influences:
  • Economic Conditions:
  • Geographic and Competitive Concerns:
  • Job Analysis:
  • Definition of Job Analysis:
  • Importance of Job analysis:
  • Job Analysis and Job Design:
  • Job Analysis and Changing nature of jobs:
  • Task Based Job Analysis
  • Competency approach to Job Analysis
  • Visible and Hidden Competencies
  • Competency Analysis Methodology:
  • Organizational Components and Job Analysis:
  • Job Analysis Responsibilities:
  • Job Descriptions and Job Specifications
  • Job Descriptions
  • Job Specifications:
  • Techniques of collecting information for Job Analysis
  • Techniques of Writing Job Descriptions
  • Job Title
  • Reporting to
  • Overall Responsibilities
  • Main Tasks
  • Recruitment & Selection:
  • Recruitment:
  • Planning and Strategic Decisions about Recruiting
  • Internal vs. External Recruiting:
  • Flexible Staffing as Recruiting:
  • Recruitment Process
  • Methods of Recruitment
  • Selection, Placement and Induction:
  • Nature of Selection:
  • Criteria, Predictors, and Job Performance:
  • Selection Process
  • Application Scrutiny:
  • Selection Test
  • Interview
  • Types of Interview
  • Reference Checks
  • Final Decision
  • Induction
  • Induction Programme
  • Summary
  • Review Questions:

Nu Of Pages

39 Pages

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