Programming Interview Interview Questions

Most Asked Data Structure Interview (100 Q&A) PDF

Most Asked Data Structure Interview (100 Q&A) PDF

Data Structure Interview Questions and Answers

Data structures are an essential concept in computer science and software development. They are the backbone of any efficient algorithm and help in solving complex problems.

If you’re preparing for a data structure interview, you’ll need to have a solid understanding of various data structures, their properties, advantages, and disadvantages.

To help you prepare for your next data structure interview, we have compiled a list of the most commonly asked data structure interview questions and answers. This PDF contains 100 Q&A that cover topics such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and more.

Data Structure Interview Questions PDF

By studying these questions and answers, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle any data structure interview with confidence. So, let’s dive in and start preparing for your next data structure interview!


  1. What is data structure?
  2. What is an array?
  3. What is a linked list?
  4. What is a stack?
  5. What is a queue?
  6. What is a tree?
  7. What is a graph?
  8. What is the difference between an array and a linked list?
  9. What is the difference between a stack and a queue?
  10. What is the difference between a tree and a graph?
  11. What is the difference between breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS)?
  12. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into an array?
  13. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in an array?
  14. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a linked list?
  15. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a linked list?
  16. What is a binary search tree (BST)?
  17. What is a heap data structure?
  18. What is a hash table?
  19. What is the difference between an array and a hash table?
  20. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a hash table?
  21. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a hash table?
  22. What is a trie data structure?
  23. What is the time complexity of inserting a string into a trie?
  24. What is the time complexity of searching for a string in a trie?
  25. What is dynamic programming?
  26. What is memoization in dynamic programming?
  27. What is a greedy algorithm?
  28. What is a divide and conquer algorithm?
  29. What is a dynamic array?
  30. What is the time complexity of appending an element to a dynamic array?
  31. What is the time complexity of accessing an element in a dynamic array?
  32. What is the time complexity of removing an element from a dynamic array?
  33. What is a red-black tree?
  34. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a red-black tree?
  35. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a red-black tree?
  36. What is a B-tree?
  37. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a B-tree?
  38. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a B-tree?
  39. What is a priority queue?
  40. What is the difference between a priority queue and a regular queue?
  41. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a priority queue implemented with a binary heap?
  42. What is the time complexity of accessing the maximum element in a priority queue implemented with a binary heap?
  43. What is the time complexity of removing the maximum element from a priority queue implemented with a binary heap?
  44. What is the time complexity of sorting elements using heap sort?
  45. What is a graph traversal algorithm?
  46. What is the difference between BFS and DFS graph traversal algorithms?
  47. What is the time complexity of BFS in a graph?
  48. What is the time complexity of DFS in a graph?
  49. What is a topological sort?
  50. What is the time complexity of topological sort in a directed acyclic graph?
  51. What is a linked list?
  52. What is the time complexity of inserting an element at the beginning of a linked list?
  53. What is the time complexity of inserting an element at the end of a linked list?
  54. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a linked list?
  55. What is the time complexity of removing an element from a linked list?
  56. What is a stack?
  57. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a stack?
  58. What is the time complexity of removing an element from a stack?
  59. What is the time complexity of accessing the top element of a stack?
  60. What is a queue?
  61. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a queue?
  62. What is the time complexity of removing an element from a queue?
  63. What is the time complexity of accessing the front element of a queue?
  64. What is a hash table?
  65. What is a hash function?
  66. What is collision handling in a hash table?
  67. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a hash table?
  68. What is the time complexity of retrieving an element from a hash table?
  69. What is the time complexity of removing an element from a hash table?
  70. What is a binary search tree (BST)?
  71. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a binary search tree (BST)?
  72. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a binary search tree (BST)?
  73. What is the time complexity of removing an element from a binary search tree (BST)?
  74. What is a self-balancing binary search tree?
  75. What is an AVL tree?
  76. What is a red-black tree?
  77. What is a heap?
  78. What is the time complexity of finding the maximum (or minimum) element in a heap?
  79. What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a heap?
  80. What is the time complexity of removing the maximum (or minimum) element from a heap?
  81. What is a trie?
  82. What is the time complexity of searching for a string in a trie?
  83. What is the time complexity of inserting a string into a trie?
  84. What is a graph?
  85. What is a weighted graph?
  86. What is a directed acyclic graph (DAG)?
  87. What is a minimum spanning tree (MST)?
  88. What is Dijkstra’s algorithm?
  89. What is the time complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm?
  90. What is the difference between a breadth-first search (BFS) and a depth-first search (DFS)?
  91. What is dynamic programming?
  92. What is memoization in dynamic programming?
  93. What is the time complexity of a recursive algorithm with memoization?
  94. What is the difference between an array and a linked list?
  95. What is the difference between a stack and a queue?
  96. What is the difference between a hash table and a binary search tree?
  97. What is the difference between a graph and a tree?
  98. What is the difference between a breadth-first search (BFS) and a depth-first search (DFS) in a graph?
  99. What is the difference between a spanning tree and a minimum spanning tree?
  100. What is the difference between an algorithm and a data structure?

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